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Community Partners 2024-2025



Community Partner Calendar


October 2024 - Fredericton Community Kitchens

About Us: Fredericton Community Kitchens has been serving Fredericton's hungry since 1982. In 2023, we provided 198,572 meals through all our programs, averaging 16,500 meals per month. Our services include daily meals, student hunger programs, community outreach, and grab & go breakfasts.


 How to Access Our Services:

  • Daily Meals: Visit 65 Brunswick Street. Breakfast (Mon-Fri) 7:45-8:15 AM, Lunch (daily) 11:30 AM-12:30 PM, Supper (daily) 5:00-5:45 PM.

  • Student Hunger Program: Contact your child's school administration. We serve 20+ schools in the Fredericton area.

  • Outreach Program: For emergency food boxes, call 506-457-1788.

  • Grab & Go Breakfast: Visit Doone Street Community Centre, Mon-Fri 7:30-8:00 AM during the school year.


Contact: (506) 457-1788 or


Volunteer: Contact Jothi Chandrasekar at




October Impact Opportunity: The Mega Stuff-A-Bus Food Drive, October 19th, 9am-5pm

Items to be collected and donated- Canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned soup, canned pasta sauce, canned meat, pasta, rice, instant noodles, kraft dinner, snacks (granola bars, fruit cups, apple sauce cups, cookies, crackers, etc.)


Items can be gathered throughout the month and will be collected by JoyFM at the end to be donated. Contact JoyFM with any questions.


To sign up to volunteer to this event email-


November 2024 - Fredericton Homeless Shelters

About Us: Fredericton Homeless Shelters provides safe, stable, and temporary refuge for individuals experiencing homelessness in Fredericton. We offer housing programs and educational resources, serving people aged 18 and older with respect and dignity.


How to Access Our Services: For immediate shelter needs, visit our main location at 65 Brunswick Street, Fredericton. For information or assistance, call us at 506-450-5294 or email


Volunteer: Contact us at 506-450-5294 or email




November Impact Opportunity: Cold weather gear collections. Collect the following items to be donated to The Homeless Shelters to be redistributed during the coldest months: Gloves, Hats, Blankets, Thick socks, Winter Coats, Winter Boots, Hand/Feet Warmers.


Items can be gathered throughout the month and will be collected by JoyFM at the end to be donated. Contact JoyFM with any questions.


December 2024 - Youth in Transition

About Us: Youth in Transition provides homeless youth with a safe place to sleep and grow. We aim to prevent chronic homelessness by addressing its root causes in youth. Our programs include Chrysalis House, a boarding facility, along with life skills training and mentorship to support young people in becoming independent, active members of society.


How to Access Our Services: For admissions to Chrysalis House, call 506-451-4767. For general inquiries about our programs, call 506-451-3483 or email


Volunteer: Contact us at 506-451-3483 or email




Impact Opportunity: Gift Card Drive- JoyFM and ALL Impact Partners will be collecting Walmart, Sobeys, and Superstore gift cards to support Youth In Transition supply groceries for their residences and supplies needed to start strong in 2025. Gift cards can be dropped off at any Impact Partner location or JoyFM office (515 St. Mary's Street) for more info email​


January 2025 - Boaz Global

About Us: Boaz Global/Ministries is a charity dedicated to serving teens locally, nationally, and globally. We partner with communities in impoverished or unstable regions to fight human trafficking and help vulnerable youth find safe environments. Our mission also includes empowering local youth to realize and achieve their potential.


How to Access Our Services: To learn more about our programs or to seek assistance, please contact us:

- Phone: (506) 451-5547

- Websites:


Volunteer: For volunteer opportunities, please contact us by calling (506) 451-5547



Impact Opportunity: We are collecting bottles to raise money to support local and global families resist poverty and overcome adversity in Haiti, Honduras, Afghanistan, and right here in Canada. You can bring your bags of bottles to the Joy Office or Journey Church (131 Duncan Lane, Fredericton)


February 2025 - Village of Hope

About Us: Village of Hope is a faith-based addiction recovery program that helps individuals overcome addiction through a combination of Christian teachings, relationship rebuilding, personal responsibility, and trauma healing. Our approach includes various stages of recovery and offers additional programs such as family recovery and leadership training.
How to Access Our Services:
- Phone: 506-368-2600
- Email:
- Website:
Volunteer: For volunteer opportunities, please contact us using the information provided above.

Impact Opportunity: A chance to set up a campus visit and help work with residents as they prepare for the largest Maple Fest in Atlantic Canada. Sign up as an individual or group by emailing-
Invitation to the Maple Festival that happens in early March.

More details to come.


March 2025 - Greener Village

About Us: Greener Village, formerly the Fredericton food bank, is dedicated to ensuring everyone in the Fredericton community has the resources to thrive. We provide emergency food and clothing, operate community gardens and greenhouses, offer educational programs, and run a second-hand clothing store. Our goal is to help community members transition into stable situations through food security and skill development.
How to Access Our Services:
- Visit us: 686 Riverside Drive, Fredericton
- Website:

Impact Opportunity: Collect the following URGENTLY NEEDED items for Greener Village and drop them off at Joy 96.5 (515 St. Mary's Street):

Pasta Sauce (canned)

Kid’s snacks (peanut-free)

Canned Meat (tuna, ham etc.)

Diced Tomatoes (canned)

Cookies (oreos, chips ahoy, etc.)


April 2025 - Opal Family Services

About Us: Opal Family Services, established in 1984, is dedicated to supporting families with special needs. We provide essential support and respite services to families and individuals of all ages with disabilities, focusing on building strong family relationships and ensuring a positive childhood experience for those with special needs.


How to Access Our Services: Visit our website at or call us at +1 506 457-9520. You can also email our Interim Executive Director, Laura George, at for more information on specific programs.


Volunteer: Contact Laura George, the Interim Executive Director, at or call +1 506 457-9520.




Impact Opportunity: Impact Partners can collect items for their summer camp programs “Camp Wonder”. Items to be collected include: sunscreen, bug spray, snacks (goldfish, granola bars, bear paws, etc.).

There will also be opportunities for teens 13-18 to sign up to be CITs (Counsellors in Training) for their camp programs and work with trained PSWs (Personal Support Workers) to learn skills and build relationships.


More details to come.


May 2025 - NB Community Harvest Gardens

About Us:​ NB Community Harvest Gardens is dedicated to promoting food security, environmental awareness, and community well-being by supporting local community gardens and urban agriculture initiatives in the Fredericton region. They empower individuals and families to grow their own food while fostering sustainable practices and community collaboration. 


Our Programs:

  1. Community Garden Plots: Affordable plots equipped with resources like water access and compost areas

  2. Educational Workshops: Training in organic gardening, composting, and preserving food

  3. Community Initiatives: Events and celebrations to foster community connections

  4. Youth Engagement: Hands-on gardening and sustainability programs for kids.


How to Access Programs:

  • Apply for garden plots on their website: (seasonal applications).

  • Attend workshops and events – visit their website or social media for details.

  • Email inquiries to for assistance or more information.



  • Website:

  • Email:

  • Volunteer: Reach out via email or the website to get involved.

  • Donate: Financial contributions can be made securely through their website.


Impact Opportunity: We will be helping with their seasons preperations with some hands on volunteer days as well as opportunities to learn and support their work.


June 2025 - 12 Neighbours

About Us: 12 Neighbours is dedicated to transitioning homeless individuals into gainful employment and enriching lives. We believe in providing safe, permanent housing as a foundation for rehabilitation and reintegration into society.


Our Programs:

1. Permanent Housing: Building 99 small, self-reliant affordable houses at Neighbourly Way. These houses are available for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

2. Personal Development Supports: Offering counseling, health improvement, and education opportunities.

3. Progressive Employment: Providing training and low-barrier employment opportunities through various social enterprises and off-site partners.


How to Access Our Services:

- Email:

- Website:


Volunteer: For volunteer opportunities, please contact us using the information provided above.




Impact Opportunity: We will be hosting community serve days to go on-site and tour the facilities while also assisting in some light landscaping (raking, weeding, seeding, etc.).


More details to come.


July 2025 - Habitat for Humanity

About Us: Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit charity working towards providing safe and decent housing for everyone. We bring communities together to help families build strength, stability, and independence through affordable homeownership. To date, we have housed nearly 90 families throughout the province.


Our Programs:

1. Housing Program: Offers a unique mortgage model with no down payment and no interest, with payments based on income. Homeowners contribute 500 volunteer hours.

2. ReStore: Sells donated household items and building materials at discounted prices, diverting reusable materials from landfills.


How to Access Our Services:

- Phone: (506) 474-1520

- Email:

- Website:


Volunteer: To volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, please contact us using the information provided above.




Impact Opportunity: There will be new home builds in the Fredericton area that volunteers and trained tradespeople will be welcome to assist. There are also opportunities to volunteer in the Re-Store running cash, stocking shelves, or working in the warehouse.

Other opportunities will include sponsoring studs for the houses they build to be able to decorate and sign encouragements and well wishes to the families to be a part of their houses' structure forever.


More details to come.


August 2025 - Under One Sky

About Us: Under One Sky is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing programs and services that educate, advocate for, and empower a healthy and proud Indigenous community. We offer a wide range of services including cultural and language programs, early childhood education, food security initiatives, social support, and cultural awareness training.


How to Access Our Services:

- Phone: 506-458-9269

- Email:

- Website:


Volunteer: For volunteer opportunities, please contact us using the information provided above.




Impact Opportunity: We will have scheduled service days to help them shape and make suitable their new land to create pathways through the surrounding woods and streams. There will also be a list of items that can be collected to support their health clinic, afterschool/childcare programs, and more.


More details to come.


September 2025 - Liberty Lane

About Us: Liberty Lane is a charity offering second-stage housing to women (and their children) who have left family violence situations. We also provide Domestic Violence Outreach services to anyone suffering from domestic abuse. Our mission is to enable individuals who have experienced domestic violence to attain personal and economic independence and a future free of violence.


Our Programs:

1. Residential Program: Provides subsidized housing with on-site support.

2. Outreach Program: Offers individual and group services for emotional support, safety planning, and resource access.

3. Children's Program: Provides activities to help children develop coping strategies and life skills.


How to Access Our Services:

- Residential Program: (506) 451-2120 or

- Outreach Program: (506) 458-9774 or

- Children's Program: (506) 451-9225 or

- Website:




Impact Opportunity: We will be collecting the most needed items for Liberty Lane and their resident families. There will also be opportunities for organizations to submit teams, volunteer, or sponsor/donate to their annual Ride for Refuge event to raise awareness for domestic abuse.


More details to come.

Can we pray for you?


Monday: 9-4
Tuesday:  9-4
Wednesday: 9-4
Thursday: 9-4
Friday: 9-4
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

515 Saint Mary’s Street
Fredericton, NB
E3A 8H4

Office: 506-454-9600
On Air: 506-454-9606

© 2025 Joy FM Network

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